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Boom! A quick Hack to Show off PPC graphics (68k version)
@MacHack94 bh noEsis Software Construction
Last Build:
MWerks D/R 4, 68k v1.1
This is an INIT installing a patch to _TrackGoAway for both
68k and PowerPC. At patch execution time, if _TrackGoAway
returns a TRUE, we create a nifty animation for the people...
I only call the animation if one of Shift, Option, Caps-Lock,
etc.. keys are down. That way the Finder isn't constantly
bogged down with demo booms (!) Of course, since this is a
patch, the effect works in any application with std Macintosh
The animation is a bona-fide simulation in floating point.
To do the animation we use a number of offscreen GWorlds,
and create an array of animation elements for a particular
scene. The array looks like this:
globals -> ...
gBits -> b[0] theta (angle)
GWorld -> *Gworld -> bits...
gBits -> b[1] theta (angle)
GWorld -> *Gworld -> bits...
gBits -> b[n] theta (angle)
GWorld -> *Gworld -> bits...
All of the simulation constants are set by compile time defines
listed below. There are currently 5 to 11 'bits' in the explosion.
The whole thing is init'd, run and cleaned up on each invocation
(except for the SndChannel in the System Heap). You can safely
swap monitor depths between invocations, no problem...
There were even grander plans for this
code, but the clock ran out, so to speak, so this is what you
get. I have found this patch to very stable, and should not
conflict at all (who else wants possesion of _TrackGoAway ?!?)
Spread the code and INIT far and wide, as long as all notices
remain intact. Any modifications, or copies of the binary built
from modifications, must be marked clearly as such. Enjoy!
28sep94 -bh
// I N C L U D E S
#include <Types.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <A4Stuff.h>
#include <SetUpA4.h>
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#include <LowMem.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <GestaltEqu.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Traps.h>
#include <MixedMode.h>
#include <fp.h>
// C O N S T A N T S
#define FALSE false
#define TRUE true
#define NIL 0L
// The 68k code goes in a normal INIT resource.
// Be sure this is set to "system heap/locked".
#define kInitRezType 'INIT'
#define kInitRezID 300
#define kMinSystemVersion (0x0603)
// from Windows.h:
// pascal Boolean TrackGoAway( WindowPtr theWindow, Point thePt)
enum {
kTrackGoAwayInfo = kCStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(Boolean)))
typedef pascal Boolean ( *TrackGoAwayFuncPtr ) ( WindowPtr theWindow, Point thePt );
typedef UniversalProcPtr UPP;
// ShowInit
#define kOkOldMac 128
#define kOkPPC 130
#define kNotOldMac 132
#define kNotPPC 134
// explosion constants
struct exVector {
short theta; // 0-360
short speed; // small integer
Point pPos; // current position
Rect pDispR; // current drawn size of 'bit
GWorldPtr tPixGwP; // map 0,0,kSrcPixSiz,kSrcPixSiz
typedef struct exVector exVector;
#define kModBits 6
#define kFrameCnt 20
#define kModSpeed 12
#define kSrcPixSiz {0,0,3,3}
#define kScratchSize 265
// G L O B A L S
struct NInitGlobals
UPP gOrigTrackGoAway; // old Addr
SysEnvRec gSystemInfo;
long gInfo; // 1=68k,2=PPC
Handle gSndHandle;
SndChannelPtr gSndChP;
exVector *gBits;
short gNumBits;
short gFrameCnt;
GWorldPtr gPad; // working image
GWorldPtr gSavPad; // pristine screen copy
typedef struct NInitGlobals NInitGlobals;
NInitGlobals *gP;
// F O R W A R D S
pascal Boolean nTrackGoAway68k( WindowPtr theWindow, Point thePt);
OSErr DoInitForOldMacs( void);
void PlayBoom(void);
OSErr SetUpSim(void);
void Animate(Point cPt);
void AnimateDone(void);
void ImageFrame(short frameNum, GWorldPtr dstGW, Point exPt);
void PlotImage( GWorldPtr gw, short theta, short speed);
extern void ShowIconFamily(short iconId);
void main( void )
long oldA4, lRes;
Handle initH = nil; /* Handle to our own INIT resource */
OSErr err = noErr;
oldA4 = SetCurrentA4(); /* Get the proper value of A4 into A4 */
RememberA4(); /* save into self-modifying code */
// Allocate globals struct
gP = (NInitGlobals*) NewPtrSysClear( sizeof(NInitGlobals));
if ( !gP ) {
err = memFullErr;
goto DONE;
// Get minimal System Info:
err = SysEnvirons( 1, &gP->gSystemInfo );
if ( err )
goto DONE;
if ( gP->gSystemInfo.systemVersion < kMinSystemVersion ) {
err = -1;
goto DONE;
// Prepare to Detach ourselves...
initH = Get1Resource( kInitRezType, kInitRezID );
if ( !initH ) {
err = resNotFound;
goto DONE;
// Call Gestalt:
// Gestalt will return an err when SysArc is unimplemented
// we know we are 68k if so (thanks to Richard Clark)
err = Gestalt( gestaltSysArchitecture, &gP->gInfo );
if ( err) gP->gInfo = gestalt68k;
// Load 'snd ':
// this snd is marked 'sysHeap', so it'll land in the right place,
// and we have to detach anything we want to keep around
gP->gSndHandle = GetResource ('snd ', 128);
DetachResource( gP->gSndHandle);
{ // Make a new SndChannel in the System Heap
THz savZone = GetZone();
SetZone( SystemZone());
err = SndNewChannel( &gP->gSndChP, sampledSynth, initMono, 0);
if ( err != noErr) goto DONE;
SetZone( savZone);
err = DoInitForOldMacs(); // sorry, 68k setup only
if ( err ) {
ShowIconFamily( kNotOldMac);
if ( gP )
DisposPtr( (Ptr)gP );
} else {
ShowIconFamily( kOkOldMac);
DetachResource( initH);
// resource is already marked 'locked', so no HLock() here...
RestoreA4( oldA4 ); /* restore previous value of A4 */
// DoInitForOldMacs
OSErr DoInitForOldMacs( void )
long oldA4;
NInitGlobals *locGPtr;
oldA4 = SetUpA4();
locGPtr = gP;
RestoreA4( oldA4 );
locGPtr->gOrigTrackGoAway = NGetTrapAddress( _TrackGoAway, ToolTrap );
NSetTrapAddress( (UPP)nTrackGoAway68k, _TrackGoAway, ToolTrap );
return noErr;
pascal Boolean nTrackGoAway68k( WindowPtr theWindow, Point thePt )
Boolean res;
long oldA4;
GrafPtr tPort;
Point savPt;
TrackGoAwayFuncPtr ptr;
NInitGlobals *locGPtr;
oldA4 = SetUpA4();
locGPtr = gP;
ptr = (TrackGoAwayFuncPtr)locGPtr->gOrigTrackGoAway;
savPt = thePt;
res = ( *ptr )( theWindow, thePt );
if ( res == true) {
if ( *(short*)0x17A) {
THz savZone = GetZone();
SetZone( SystemZone());
if ( SetUpSim() == noErr) {
Animate( savPt);
SetZone( savZone);
RestoreA4( oldA4 );
return res;
void AnimateDone()
short cnt;
DisposeGWorld( gP->gPad);
DisposeGWorld( gP->gSavPad);
for ( cnt=0;cnt<gP->gNumBits; cnt++)
DisposeGWorld( gP->gBits[cnt].tPixGwP);
DisposPtr( (Ptr)gP->gBits);
#define abs(x) ((x>0)?(x):(-x))
OSErr SetUpSim(void)
short cnt, prevT;
Rect r = kSrcPixSiz;
Rect r2;
OSErr err;
// init scratch pads
SetRect( &r2, 0, 0, kScratchSize, kScratchSize);
err = NewGWorld( &gP->gPad,0,&r2,0,0,0); // use 0 for best results
if ( err != noErr) return err;
err = NewGWorld( &gP->gSavPad,0,&r2,0,0,0); // hope we have the RAM !
if ( err != noErr) return err;
// allocate 'bits array
gP->gNumBits = abs(TickCount() % kModBits) + 5; //ok, max+n
gP->gBits = (exVector*)NewPtrClear( gP->gNumBits*sizeof(exVector));
for ( cnt=0;cnt<gP->gNumBits; cnt++){
gP->gBits[cnt].theta = abs((TickCount()*10+cnt) % 360);
gP->gBits[cnt].speed = abs(TickCount() % kModSpeed) + 4;
gP->gBits[cnt].pPos.h = 0;
gP->gBits[cnt].pPos.v = 0;
gP->gBits[cnt].pDispR = r;
err = NewGWorld( &gP->gBits[cnt].tPixGwP,
if ( err != noErr) return err;
// now, based on speed and theta, make an image
PlotImage( gP->gBits[cnt].tPixGwP, gP->gBits[cnt].theta, gP->gBits[cnt].speed);
return err;
// Order of Events:
// Prestine PixMap is in gP->gSavPad, working PixMap is in gP->gPad
// For each cell of animation, copy the savPad to workPad,
// Draw all 'bits for this frame, copy gP->gPad to the screen.
// Try This: always set the current Port to the _destination_ of
// a CopyBits() operation..
void Animate( Point cPt)
GWorldPtr savGW;
GDHandle savGdH;
GrafPtr savP; GrafPort dPort;
Rect wR; long t;
short offX=0;
short offY=0;
Point exPt;
// Create a new GrafPort on top of the current port so as to
// disturb the graphics world as little as possible. This
// new GrafPort is the default through our copying operations.
GetPort( &savP);
OpenPort( &dPort);
SetPort( &dPort);
wR = gP->gPad->portRect;
// if the point is closer to the side of the screen than
// half the width of our buffered draw area, then adjust
// the explosion center
if ( cPt.h > wR.right/2) {
offX = cPt.h - wR.right/2;
exPt.h = wR.right/2;
} else exPt.h = cPt.h;
if ( cPt.v > wR.bottom/2) {
offY = cPt.v - wR.bottom/2;
exPt.v = wR.bottom/2;
} else exPt.v = cPt.v;
OffsetRect( &wR, offX, offY);
// init savMap
GetGWorld( &savGW, &savGdH); SetGWorld( gP->gSavPad, 0);
CopyBits( (BitMap*)(&(dPort.portBits)),
&wR, &gP->gPad->portRect,
patCopy, 0);
SetGWorld( savGW, savGdH);
// special effects
#define kMax 6
Rect tR, exR; short cnt;
RGBColor tC = {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000};
PenMode( blend); ForeColor( whiteColor);
exR.left = cPt.h - kScratchSize/2;
exR.right = cPt.h + kScratchSize/2;
exR.top = cPt.v - kScratchSize/2;
exR.bottom = cPt.v + kScratchSize/2;
for ( cnt=1; cnt<=kMax; cnt++){
tR = exR;
tC.red += 0x2A00; tC.green += 0x2A00; tC.blue += 0x2A00;
OpColor( &tC);
InsetRect( &tR, cnt*(kScratchSize/kMax), cnt*(kScratchSize/kMax));
PaintOval( &tR);
if ( gP->gInfo == gestaltPowerPC)
Delay( 1, &t);
PenNormal(); ForeColor( blackColor);
if ( gP->gInfo == gestaltPowerPC)
Delay( 2, &t);
#undef kMax
// animate
for (gP->gFrameCnt=0;gP->gFrameCnt<kFrameCnt;gP->gFrameCnt++) {
// copy savPad to workPad
GetGWorld( &savGW, &savGdH); SetGWorld( gP->gPad, 0);
CopyBits( (BitMap*)(*(gP->gSavPad->portPixMap)),
&gP->gSavPad->portRect, &gP->gPad->portRect,
patCopy, 0);
SetGWorld( savGW, savGdH);
ImageFrame(gP->gFrameCnt, gP->gPad, exPt); // image 'bits
// copy workPad to screen
CopyBits( (BitMap*)(*(gP->gPad->portPixMap)),
&gP->gPad->portRect, &wR,
patCopy, 0);
if ( gP->gInfo == gestaltPowerPC)
Delay( gP->gFrameCnt/4, &t);
// restore screen
CopyBits( (BitMap*)(*(gP->gSavPad->portPixMap)),
&gP->gPad->portRect, &wR,
patCopy, 0);
SetPort( savP);
ClosePort( &dPort);
void ImageFrame( short frameNum, GWorldPtr dstGW, Point exPt)
GWorldPtr savGW;
GDHandle savGdH;
short posX, posY;
short cnt, f, tSpd;
long t;
Rect srcR = kSrcPixSiz;
Rect dstR;
// r is frameCnt * speed+frameCnt
// posX = r*cos(t)
// posY = r*sin(t)
GetGWorld( &savGW, &savGdH); SetGWorld( dstGW, 0);
for (f=frameNum,cnt=0;cnt<gP->gNumBits;cnt++) {
tSpd = gP->gBits[cnt].speed;
posX = (short)(f*(tSpd+cnt)) * cos(gP->gBits[cnt].theta);
posY = (short)(f*(tSpd+cnt)) * sin(gP->gBits[cnt].theta);
dstR = gP->gBits[cnt].pDispR;
dstR.left += exPt.h+posX;
dstR.right += exPt.h+posX;
dstR.top += exPt.v+posY;
dstR.bottom += exPt.v+posY;
CopyBits( (BitMap*)(*(gP->gBits[cnt].tPixGwP->portPixMap)),
&srcR, &dstR,
patCopy, 0);
SetGWorld( savGW, savGdH);
// Create one explosion 'bit
void PlotImage( GWorldPtr gw, short theta, short speed)
GWorldPtr savGW;
GDHandle savGdH;
Rect r = kSrcPixSiz;
Point pR1a, pR1b, pR1c;
Point pR2, pO1, pY1a, pY1b;
RGBColor c;
GetGWorld( &savGW, &savGdH);
SetGWorld( gw, 0);
c.red = 0xFFFF; c.green = 0xFFFF; c.blue = 0xFFFF;
RGBForeColor( &c);
PaintRect( &r);
if ( theta <= 22) { // 22
pR1a.h=1; pR1a.v=2; pR1b.h=2; pR1b.v=1; pR1c.h=1; pR1c.v=0;
pR2.h=2; pR2.v=0; pO1.h=2; pO1.v=2;
pY1a.h=0; pY1a.v=2; pY1b.h=0; pY1b.v=0;
} else if ( theta <= 77) { // 77
pR1a.h=2; pR1a.v=2; pR1b.h=2; pR1b.v=0; pR1c.h=0; pR1c.v=0;
pR2.h=1; pR2.v=0; pO1.h=2; pO1.v=1;
pY1a.h=1; pY1a.v=2; pY1b.h=0; pY1b.v=1;
} else if ( theta <= 112) { // 112
pR1a.h=2; pR1a.v=1; pR1b.h=1; pR1b.v=0; pR1c.h=0; pR1c.v=1;
pR2.h=0; pR2.v=0; pO1.h=2; pO1.v=0;
pY1a.h=2; pY1a.v=2; pY1b.h=0; pY1b.v=2;
} else if ( theta <= 157) { // 157
pR1a.h=2; pR1a.v=0; pR1b.h=0; pR1b.v=0; pR1c.h=0; pR1c.v=2;
pR2.h=0; pR2.v=1; pO1.h=1; pO1.v=0;
pY1a.h=2; pY1a.v=1; pY1b.h=1; pY1b.v=2;
} else if ( theta <= 202) { // 202
pR1a.h=1; pR1a.v=0; pR1b.h=0; pR1b.v=1; pR1c.h=1; pR1c.v=2;
pR2.h=0; pR2.v=2; pO1.h=0; pO1.v=0;
pY1a.h=2; pY1a.v=0; pY1b.h=2; pY1b.v=2;
} else if ( theta <= 247) { // 247
pR1a.h=0; pR1a.v=0; pR1b.h=0; pR1b.v=2; pR1c.h=2; pR1c.v=2;
pR2.h=1; pR2.v=2; pO1.h=0; pO1.v=1;
pY1a.h=1; pY1a.v=0; pY1b.h=2; pY1b.v=1;
} else if ( theta <= 292) { // 292
pR1a.h=0; pR1a.v=1; pR1b.h=1; pR1b.v=2; pR1c.h=2; pR1c.v=1;
pR2.h=2; pR2.v=2; pO1.h=0; pO1.v=2;
pY1a.h=0; pY1a.v=0; pY1b.h=2; pY1b.v=0;
} else if ( theta <= 337) { // 337
pR1a.h=0; pR1a.v=2; pR1b.h=2; pR1b.v=2; pR1c.h=2; pR1c.v=0;
pR2.h=2; pR2.v=1; pO1.h=1; pO1.v=2;
pY1a.h=0; pY1a.v=1; pY1b.h=1; pY1b.v=0;
} else { // +-22
pR1a.h=1; pR1a.v=2; pR1b.h=2; pR1b.v=1; pR1c.h=1; pR1c.v=0;
pR2.h=2; pR2.v=0; pO1.h=2; pO1.v=2;
pY1a.h=0; pY1a.v=2; pY1b.h=0; pY1b.v=0;
// NOTE: assumes 'bit pix size of 3x3 !!
c.red = 0xFFFF; c.green = 0x2000; c.blue = 0; // r1
RGBForeColor( &c);
MoveTo( pR1a.h,pR1a.v); Line(0,0);
MoveTo( pR1b.h,pR1c.v); Line(0,0);
MoveTo( pR1c.h,pR1c.v); Line(0,0);
c.red = 0xBAC7; c.green = 0; c.blue = 0; // r2
RGBForeColor( &c);
MoveTo( pR2.h,pR2.v); Line(0,0);
MoveTo( pO1.h,pO1.v); Line(0,0);
c.red = 0xFFFF; c.green = 0xCCC8; c.blue = 0; // o2 (always center)
RGBForeColor( &c);
MoveTo( 1,1); Line(0,0);
c.red = 0xFFFF; c.green = 0xFFFF; c.blue = 0; // y
RGBForeColor( &c);
MoveTo( pY1a.h,pY1a.v); Line(0,0);
MoveTo( pY1b.h,pY1b.v); Line(0,0);
SetGWorld( savGW, savGdH);
void PlayBoom()
OSErr err;
if ( gP->gSndHandle != nil )
err = SndPlay( gP->gSndChP, (SndListHandle)gP->gSndHandle, true);
// E N D O F L I S T I N G